Monday, September 26, 2011

Week 3: Hardware

Websites are available where you can make your own app. Where computers come in is maintaining user information and with designing and maintaining a Website that goes along with the "Eat This" app itself. Depending on the success of the app and the number of users, computing changes would be needed.

Running an app may require computers of high quality which are essential to keep everything running smoothly. A large amount of RAM, 8G or up, would be necessary for creating a Website and running CAD to work on graphics for ads, branding, logos, and the likes. Large numbers of users are anticipated and their information will have to be stored, taking up memory.

A USB hub is key to making things run smoother when designing. With a USB hub, a camera, scanner, and external hard drive could be plugged in at the same time. I would be able to edit and scan photos simultaneously while running Photoshop without seeing a difference in the speed of the CPU. The Website would feature pictures of the "Eat This" app with tutorials on how to easily work it. Online users could easily see what the "Eat This" App is all about.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Week 2 Excel

     The "Eat this" app will cost users a one time $4.99. The company will profit additionally by promoting ads that are relevant to users and their lifestyles. The company will use an Excel Spreadsheet to organize subscriber information along with advertising information.
     There will be graphs to keep track of different subscriber information that can be used to target audiences for different advertising. Graphs will keep track of the age demographics of users to provide relevant advertisements. In addition, users can "like" and "dislike" different ads which will be recorded in the Excel spreadsheet to better target the ads promoted to certain individuals.
     Payments made will be recorded in the Excel Spreadsheet in case any questions arise, employees can pull up all information easily to settle any problems. Pivot tables will also be used to enable our company to quickly and easily summarize and analyze large amounts of our data.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Week 1 Introduction

     Maintaining a healthy lifestyle seems to be the new trend. Eating healthy books are being published left and right and magazines are constantly featuring articles about healthy eating. With the technological world rapidly growing we should take advantage and create an app for healthy eating.
     It's hard to remember what to eat and when to eat it, but with an app readily available on your phone, healthy eating would be as simple as a click. The app would provide users with a number of different options for healthy eating. The first aspect of the app called "Eat This Instead" allows users to type in what they are craving, say a brownie, and the app will provide a number of healthy alternatives to the craving. The second aspect of the app called "Balance It" would allow users to plug in ideas for a meal and the app would give a number of suggestions that go with the food you specified to help balance the meal and maintain good PH levels in the body. For example, if a user chooses steak they will type "steak" into the "Balance It" section and the app will output foods that help break down steak and level PH in the body.
      The app will be promoted on twitter through marketing and PR. Twitter will allow users to tweet about the app and relay the message to friends. With the 200 million twitter users and 1.6 billion searches a day, news about the app will circulate fast with users tweeting about success with our new "Eat This" app. If anything goes wrong with the app we can have fast and easy communication through Twitter customer service.